Welcome to 129's CrossFit Community

A Journey to better health

At CrossFit 129, we believe in the transformative power of fitness. It's not just about working out; it's about a comprehensive journey towards better health, built on a community that supports every step you take.129 Health & Performance is proud to be your premier destination for CrossFit training in Bankstown. Our CrossFit program is designed to empower individuals of all fitness levels to achieve their health and performance goals.

Join Our Tribe

Welcome to the place where fitness goals are reached, limits are pushed, and bonds are formed. No matter your age, fitness level, or experience, CrossFit 129 is your second home where you can train, thrive, and transcend your expectations.

Our Philosophy

We adhere to the CrossFit philosophy of constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement workouts. Our trainers will push you to improve, but always within your safe limits, encouraging you to redefine what’s possible for your fitness journey. What sets 129 Health & Performance apart as a CrossFit provider in Bankstown is our unwavering dedication to your success. We believe in the power of community, and our CrossFit classes foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that inspires you to push harder and achieve more.

Designed for you

Our carefully crafted CrossFit programs are scalable, meaning they can be tailored to match your individual abilities and goals, ensuring a safe and effective training experience. Whether you're looking to improve your athletic performance, shed unwanted pounds, or simply boost your overall fitness, our CrossFit services at 129 Health & Performance in Bankstown are designed to help you rise to the challenge and conquer your fitness aspirations.

Join us today and embark on a journey to a healthier, stronger, and more confident you.

Programs and Classes

CrossFit 129 offers a wide range of programs suited for every fitness level. From beginners to seasoned CrossFitters, we have specialized classes to suit your fitness journey. Embrace an active, healthy lifestyle with us.

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Break your limits

With a state-of-the-art facility and a team of experienced coaches, we provide a supportive and motivating environment for CrossFit enthusiasts in Bankstown

Our certified CrossFit coaches are passionate, experienced, and dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals. They ensure your form is right, your spirit is high, and your goals are in sight.

The results speak for themselves

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